Mr. Lê Tuấn Hà



Le Tuan Ha

I am now a Manager of The Infrastructure, Building, and Transportation Department. With the background of studying and working in French and many years of working experience domestic and internationally. Changing to develop driven me to choose to work at Bureau Veritas Vietnam and contribute a small part to the journey of “Shaping a world of trust” as Group mission.

Mr. Le Tuan HaIndustry & Facilities Manager (North)

Could you describe in a few lines your career path at BV? How did you get where you are?

March 2022 marks 1 year of my service at Bureau Veritas. Before that, I had many years of working experience in the field of supervision consulting, I feel much honored to join the Bureau Veritas family. As the Manager of Construction-Energy, this is an opportunity as well as a motivation for myself to work with the highest of responsibility to accomplish my goals and build a developed Bureau Veritas’s branding.

What were you looking for when you applied to BV? Why did you choose BV at that time?

I have known about Bureau Veritas for nearly 20 years since I studied and worked in the French Republic, in the books I have ever studied and the documents used in my work there are imprints of the Bureau Veritas Group. I see that Bureau Veritas Group has shared a lot of valuable and useful knowledge for society and I wish I could contribute a small part to the journey of “Shaping a world of trust” as the mission that BV has set out. Changing to develop was also one of the reasons I chose Bureau Veritas at that time.

I look forward to developing myself in a new environment where "Trust, Responsibility, Ambition and Humble, Open and Inclusion" are core values ​​that Bureau Veritas upholds.

Could you describe your first days at BV? What was your overall impression/feeling?

Those first days at Bureau Veritas were very challenging for me because Bureau Veritas is a multi-industry company and there are many fields that I do not know. I have to work hard to not only develop my career but also learn to better understand other services. At Bureau Veritas, people are the most valuable asset and I am very impressed with that. My colleagues always work with the highest sense of responsibility and are ready to share

What is your greatest professional achievement at BV?

After 1 year of working at Bureau Veritas, I have strengthened my division organization in terms of human resources capability and developed visionary plans. Currently, my department has not only experienced engineers but also young engineers full of enthusiasm and potential. We have implemented specific and long-term work to promote the strengths of the whole team and the reputation of Bureau Veritas owned.

And the biggest challenge you had to face?

The biggest challenge is to get over myself. Constantly making efforts to learn to improve professional knowledge and flexible solutions to develop work in the context of Vietnam's increasingly integrated and extensive development today.

Were you expecting to be offered so many development opportunities at BV?

Trusted by the Company’s Board of Directors, now I am given many opportunities to develop my work and improve my capacity. With the great support of the company as well as the Group and the consensus of the team, I believe that our Construction-Energy department will grow and succeed more and more.

Working at BV is choosing a company positively impacting the day-to-day lives of billions of people. How do you feel about that?

I am very proud to be a member of the Bureau Veritas, I committee within my ability and responsibility I will contribute to promoting the core values ​​that Bureau Veritas has built over hundred years.

If you had to choose 3 words to describe your daily work, what would they be?

Responsibility, passion and development

What would you say to a candidate considering a career at BV?

"Shaping a world of trust" is one of Bureau Veritas’s missions, joining our team, you will be empowered to develop yourself. We work as a team together and dedicate ourselves to bringing the best services to our customers. You are well-deserved.