Hỏi đáp: Phương pháp kiểm kê khí nhà kính theo luật Việt nam và Quốc tế

FAQ: Greenhouse gas inventory method according to Vietnamese and international law

Aug. 16 2024

The Q&A is from the online seminar "Greenhouse Gas Inventory Methodology under Vietnamese & International Law" organized by BVC on June 11, 2024.

According to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory roadmap, GHG-emitting enterprises are required to inventory their emissions and report to the relevant ministries from 2025.

However, to achieve this goal, businesses are facing many difficulties:

- Not yet choosing a suitable inventory method due to the difference between the requirements and inventory methods according to Vietnamese law and international standards such as ISO 14064-1:2018.

- There is no strategy to develop a GHG mitigation plan that meets Vietnamese law.

Find out the answers in the process of inventorying and reducing emissions during operations and production in our e-book: